Based on Ethereum‘s largest decentralized stablecoin

DAI is the infrastructure of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on Ethereum.

Exchange with ease and simplicity.

Simple 1:1 conversion with USD, No limits. No exchange loss. No hassles.

USD 1: 1 DAI

Current exchange rate

Dai is the largest decentralized ERC-20 token built on Ethereum that is soft-pegged to the value of the US dollar. It is created by a company called MakerDAO and uses cryptocurrency assets and smart contracts instead of banks and custodians to ensure 1 : 1 parity with the US dollar. DAI is the currency that powers the Makerdao lending system where it is used for loaning and paying back cryptocurrency-backed loans.


Issue time:December 25th, 2017



White paper: 

Use QC to Quickly link your global resources

Everyday more and more wallets, exchanges, platforms, applications and service providers partner with QuickCash to support the QC token. Together we will change the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem for the better.